Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why I am at this particular Internship

There was one shift where I met two other volunteers. One of them was a girl who attended Harvard College, and the other one was a graduate student who attended Harvard Extension School. They both seemed like extremely intelligent individuals.

Who girl who attended Harvard College had already done extensive research while she was in high-school, and the male was shadowing surgeons on a regular basis.

I told them that I did not intend to go to Med-School. They asked me why I was there since this was a program intended for student planning to go to Med-School. I told them that I was studying Psychology and that I wanted to volunteer for BWH's Psychiatry Department.

I am probably one of the few students to ever do this program and not intent to go on to Med-School.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Patient Access: Shift Two

During my second shift at of Patient Access I met another student volunteer from BU. We pretty much just talked about the classes we had taken throughout the year. It was a very slow shift. Since the other volunteer was new, I went through the procedures again with her.

We got reintroduced to our supervisors Mary and Nina. we also learned about the Admitting Center right across the hall from where we volunteer.

It was a normal shift.